Thursday, 3 May 2012

Importing Assets...

Now that the scene assets were textured, I could now add them into the game scene. I also modelled the pickups including the coins, gems, crowns, and hearts. These were all exported from Maya as fbx files, then imported into the Unity project. Once they were imported there were a few issues with missing textures on some objects this was resolved by going into the Maya scene file and re assigning a few materials so that they related to the correct object when imported into Unity.

Here is the main scene mesh. This was imported as one to improve performance within Unity and because I knew it would be a static object. The other assets need to be imported separately as they would be duplicated and moved within the scene after import. This was done to allow the level to be customised, to create variated levels and environments. It makes for a more adaptable game with an asset library that can be reused. Baking textures was an idea to reduce processing power but wasn't essential for the build as the level was minimal. Therefore using an in-game light will do, i adjusted the cone angle and intensity to suit to scene.

Here are the individual textured scene assets imported into Unity. The grass was imported as a single asset then duplicated throughout the scene. As the camera will not rotate I rotated them to face the camera.

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