they are?
services they provide?
Community support, Coding feedback, Asset store.
it's relevant to you?
modellers I can use the asset store to sell models to other community
users for use within their projects. I currently use Unity to test my
models and animations within a game engine.
are the benefits of aligning yourself with them joining/ paying for
membership/subscribing to newsletters/ attending networking events?
can use the 'Unity Answers' section to troubleshoot my basic
understanding of programming in javascript. I can use the various
tutorials to progress my work into other genres of games from Third
Person to Racing games. I can receive feedback from my games from
other community members. Also be updated about new features added to
the game engine or new ways of making money as the asset store does
they are?
is an online website in aid of helping small companies fund their
services they provide?
is a company that will fund projects that may otherwise not be
noticed in the greater community by big games companies. It gives
people without the means to produce a full game to get funding to
complete their project. However if the project is not fully funded
I.e they don't receive what their target funding, then no money
changes hands, preventing partial investment and money loss.
it's relevant to you?
I am in the process of creating a portfolio I can review my previous
projects to revamp or I can create an idea for a game with the hope
of investment to take it further to enhance my current protfolio.
are the benefits of aligning yourself with them joining/ paying for
membership/subscribing to newsletters/ attending networking events?
will be able to see if my suggested projects have the ability to want
people to fund them. I will in a way get creative feedback on my work
and the effectiveness of my game ideas. Even if I do not receive my
required funding I will have created awareness for the game/idea.
Many people are associated and visit the site regularly. To upload an
idea you can instantly get feedback and publicity and hopefully
they are?
services they provide?
UKIE is the only trade body for the
UK’s wider interactive entertainment industry. We exist to champion
the interests, needs and positive image of the videogames and
interactive entertainment industry who's companies make up our
membership.We’re here to help ensure that our members from the videogames and wider interactive entertainment industry have the right economic, political and social environment needed for this expanding industry to thrive.
We provide a range of services to meet the shared needs of our members and to further the interests of the interactive entertainment industry as a whole:
We build strong working relationships with parliamentarians and policymakers to ensure industry needs are met through appropriate Government support.
Our dedicated intellectual Property Crime Unit seeks to minimise the damage caused by intellectual property theft and catch those responsible for this criminal activity.
We act as a public information resource, to help consumers and the media better understand gaming.
We provide advice to budding IP creators and sellers on how best to pursue careers in the industry.
We work with our European partners, ISFE to ensure our members are aware of key EU developments and to promote the priorities and interests of the industry in Europe.
How it's relevant to you?
a 3d modeller I will benefit from the networking possiblitlies, the
protection of intellectual property, the game chart system gives
feedback on potential projects and market data will be very useful
while creating my own projects.
are the benefits of aligning yourself with them joining/ paying for
membership/subscribing to newsletters/ attending networking events?
promotes networkingUKIE connects members for mutual benefit. All new members are electronically introduced to existing members and receive dedicated space on our website. Members also get access to our sub groups which influence UKIE policy and facilitate networking.
UKIE promotes the industry to policy makers
We are proactively engaged with key government departments and work closely with them on policy creation and implementation. UKIE is the body government turns to for consultation on industry related matters. We also attend all the major party conferences and arrange for local MP’s to meet UKIE members.
UKIE and industry events
UKIE actively organises and supports key industry events including London Games Festival, Gamescom, Develop, Casual Connect, Edinburgh Interactive and Digital Shoreditch as well as events from the mobile, advertising and new media sectors. UKIE also hosts events on the key commercial and business issues of the day. Members are offered numerous discounts on UKIE and partner events throughout the year.
UKIE and crime
Our intellectual property crime unit (IPCU) is dedicated to catching criminals and removing counterfeit games from sale. Our highly experienced team have an outstanding track record of successful prosecution and, in doing so, protecting the future of the industry.
UKIE and education
UKIE is driving forward the delivery of the Livingstone Hope review and works with Stemnet and SkillSet to ensure high quality, appropriately qualified graduates enter the UK gaming workforce. We support the long term future of the industry through our work with educational bodies.
UKIE and consumers
We promote the industry in a positive and constructive way to the press and directly to consumers. We successfully championed the pan-European age rating system, work with organisations such as UKCCIS and run the consumer information site askabaoutgaming.com. UKIE is the go-to organisation for consumers.
UKIE and market data
UKIE exclusively owns the UK video game charts and gives its members access to numerous consumer and market reports. Members also receive free of charge quarterly market trends reports.
UKIE and access to finance
UKIE has an exclusive contract with Research and Development tax claim specialists Jumpstart to help UKIE members make applications to HMRC. Jumpstart assess the potential claim, undertake all submissions and only receive a fee on successful claims. To date, Jumpstart have successfully claimed over £18m from the revenue and customs office.
UKIE supports your business
UKIE offers a comprehensive range of business support services that include directories of specialist suppliers of legal, HR and accountancy services, use of a London meeting room and business networking.
they are?
services they provide?
tutors provide an online database of tutorial aimed at helping
creative designers to develop their work in a range of specialist
areas from illustrating to modelling and texturing.
it's relevant to you?
modellers as well as many other artists can use this company to
further their skills. I will be able to run through many tutorials of
relevant projects and apply the skills learnt to a new project of
mine. Understand professional industry methods and keep upto date
with current software.
are the benefits of aligning yourself with them joining/ paying for
membership/subscribing to newsletters/ attending networking events?
a subscription plan and get access to every tutorial in the training
training and learn the latest tips, techniques and workflows used by
top artists and professionals around the world.
your knowledge, skill set and artistic capabilities that bring your
creativity to life and create the high-level content both you and
your industry demand.
-Updated newsletters on new tutorials/events regularly.
-Updated newsletters on new tutorials/events regularly.
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